- PhD Position ( FUNDED) a fully funded PhD position available within the UKRI Artificial Intelligence Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical Innovation
entitled "Addressing patient mortality in hemodialysis via AI applied to metabolomics and material science" with myself as Supervisor (https://www.suspromgroup.eng.ed.ac.uk/) and Karl Burgess from the School of Biological Sciences as Second Supervisor (https://burgess.bio.ed.ac.uk/)
Studentships are fully funded for 4 years, covering stipend and fees for both home and international students. Each studentship comes with a high-spec laptop and £8,000 allowance for travel and research costs. There is also an option to apply for additional CDT funding to cover computing costs and evaluation experiments.
The CDT programme is a PhD with integrated study: alongside their PhD research, students are expected to complete 180 taught credits and engage with training and development opportunities provided by the CDT.The project descritpion can be found here: https://www.ai4biomed.io/research/projects-2025/#cmsmAnd the application (Deadline 20 January 2025) can be found here: https://www.ai4biomed.io/how-to-apply/ -
Scholarships: China Scholarship Council – University of Edinburgh Scholarships internal Engineering deadline is Friday 16th February by 16:00.
Prospective students complete BOTH the standard PhD application as well as the CSC application by the deadline.
- act with key stakeholders, including Renal Department and Patients Advisory Board